Thursday, February 4, 2010


Morning ploughing at Bunchari
The Wakuria are composed of clans and subclans and down to families. All clans have established a system that group all people of the same age by the circumsion ritual. The age groups are called SAROs. In the last issue we discussed the importance of the SAROs and their role in the Wakuria culture. Wanchari are one of the Kuria clans. They are located south of Sirari (Isibania) neighbouring with the Wakira on the north east and Wagumbe on the north, Watimbaru on the South and Luo on the west. Their land(Kyaro)is called Bunchari. Initially Wanchari lived on a hill called Susuni and later spread to Mwema. Susuni is their sacred hill where the Wanchari god (Sabure) reside. All circumsion ceremonies and rituals are conducted at Susuni where the Mosali also live.

Since Wanchari settled at Susuni they have conducted 31 saros. By countingthe number of saros and time interval between each saro and consulting elders who are knowledgable on the matter, the first remembered saro was done in 1856 and it was named Kehanga.

The list below show remembered (verbally recorded) saros of the Wanchari. The calculation is based on approx. 4 years period between one saro and the other.

31 Mesongo 2008
30 Nginaro 2004
29 Ngiborya2000
28 Gichira 1996
27 Romole II1992
26 Romole I1988
25 Kehocha II1984
24 Kehocha I1980
23 Ngirabi II1976
22 Ngirabi I1972
21 Getang'osa II1968
20 Getang'osa I1964
19 Kehanga II1959
18 Kehanga I1954
17 Gitira 1949
16 Ngeresa 1944
15 Kenya 1938
14 Bhirisi 1932
13 Keha 1928
12 Kalamu 1922
11 Nyisandeko1916
10 Mesongo 1910
9 Nginaro 1904
8 Romole 1898
7 Kehocha 1892
6 Ngirabi 1886
5 Gichira 1880
4 Ngiborya1874
3 Getang'osa1868
2 Mahanga 1862
1 Kehanga 1856

In the next issue we will discuss how Wakuria name their newbrns (Children)


  1. Wow!!! Thank you.. i personally learned a lot since the beginning of this Blog...
    Many Props to Mr. Musa(Daddy). i hope everybody learn and enjoy your postings.

  2. Hongera abakuria muthethutebia amang'ana

  3. This is incredible... You are a great Kurian - Just a little correction though - the agesets are called ichiseiga / eseiga which of course are as a result of the saros.
    Good day and keep it up!!!

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